Comparative Economic and Social Systems
党组 行政首长负责制 民主集中制
黨組 行政首長負責製 民主集中製
당조 행정수장부책제 민주집중제
Party Group; Administrative Chief Responsibility System; Democratic Centralism
One of the main purposes of the administrative chief responsibility system in government departments set forth in the Constitution (1982) is to enhance the relative autonomy of administrative work. Government de- partments have generally established a Party group system in recent years. The Party group plays the role of leadership core. To perfect the Party group system while upholding the administrative chief responsibility system in government departments, local Party committees should first grasp the overall situation and coordinate all as- pects, and the government should be independently in charge of tasks while also coordinating with the local Par- ty committees. Moreover, we should uphold the basic principles of democratic centralism, deal well with the re- lationships between the local Party committees and the Party group in government department, between the Party group and administration, and between the administrative chief and the deputies. It is an inevitable trend that the head of the Party group will also be the administrative chief.