Journal of Guangzhou University(Social Science Edition)
刘耀中 杨鹏 唐志文 林祯秀
劉耀中 楊鵬 唐誌文 林禎秀
류요중 양붕 당지문 림정수
双趋冲突 双避冲突 无冲突 决策 事件相关电位P2
雙趨遲突 雙避遲突 無遲突 決策 事件相關電位P2
쌍추충돌 쌍피충돌 무충돌 결책 사건상관전위P2
approach - approach conflict ; avoidance - avoidance conflict ; conflict - free ; decision - making;event - related potentials ; P2
为了研究双趋与双避冲突情景所诱发的脑电成分的差异,本研究分别记录了16名健康大学生被试在双趋、双避、无冲突三种不同情景下完成决策任务的反应时数据与脑电成分.结果表明:(1)被试在冲突情景下的决策反应时均长于无冲突情景,其中双趋冲突下反应时长于双避冲突;(2)双趋冲突情景诱发的P2的波峰值更高,潜伏期也更短,无冲突情景所引发的P2波峰值最小,潜伏期最长;(3)冲突情景与无冲突情景在300 ~ 400 ms之间出现了LPC的分离,动机冲突比无冲突情景诱发的LPC更正.本研究中脑电数据与行为数据得出一致性结果,双趋比双避情景诱发更深程度的负性情绪与注意唤醒,即较高的动机冲突.
為瞭研究雙趨與雙避遲突情景所誘髮的腦電成分的差異,本研究分彆記錄瞭16名健康大學生被試在雙趨、雙避、無遲突三種不同情景下完成決策任務的反應時數據與腦電成分.結果錶明:(1)被試在遲突情景下的決策反應時均長于無遲突情景,其中雙趨遲突下反應時長于雙避遲突;(2)雙趨遲突情景誘髮的P2的波峰值更高,潛伏期也更短,無遲突情景所引髮的P2波峰值最小,潛伏期最長;(3)遲突情景與無遲突情景在300 ~ 400 ms之間齣現瞭LPC的分離,動機遲突比無遲突情景誘髮的LPC更正.本研究中腦電數據與行為數據得齣一緻性結果,雙趨比雙避情景誘髮更深程度的負性情緒與註意喚醒,即較高的動機遲突.
위료연구쌍추여쌍피충돌정경소유발적뇌전성분적차이,본연구분별기록료16명건강대학생피시재쌍추、쌍피、무충돌삼충불동정경하완성결책임무적반응시수거여뇌전성분.결과표명:(1)피시재충돌정경하적결책반응시균장우무충돌정경,기중쌍추충돌하반응시장우쌍피충돌;(2)쌍추충돌정경유발적P2적파봉치경고,잠복기야경단,무충돌정경소인발적P2파봉치최소,잠복기최장;(3)충돌정경여무충돌정경재300 ~ 400 ms지간출현료LPC적분리,동궤충돌비무충돌정경유발적LPC경정.본연구중뇌전수거여행위수거득출일치성결과,쌍추비쌍피정경유발경심정도적부성정서여주의환성,즉교고적동궤충돌.
In order to explore the electrophysiological differences between approach - approach and avoidance - avoidance conflict situations, we recorded EEG and reaction time data in 16 healthy participants as they were per- forming decision -making task under approach -approach, avoidance -avoidance conflict and conflict -free situa- tions. The results shows that : 1 ) reaction time under conflict significantly is longer than conflict - free situation, and approach - approach conflict situations is longer than avoidance - avoidance ;2) approach - approach conflict situa- tions induce a significantly larger amplitude peak and shorter latency of P2, and the amplitude is lowest under con- flict -free situation and the latency of which is longest; 3 )conflict and conflict -free situations have dissociable im- pacts on LPC between 300 -400ms, and the former induces a more positive LPC. In the current study, we come to a consistent conclusion that approach - approach conflict situation evokes a deeper attention arousal and stronger motivation conflict than avoidance- avoidance.