Journal of Zhejiang Normal University:Social Sciences
《隆中对》 诸葛亮 刘备 南阳 战略
《隆中對》 諸葛亮 劉備 南暘 戰略
《륭중대》 제갈량 류비 남양 전략
Dialogue in Longzhong; Zhuge Liang (181 -234) ; Liu Bei (161 -223 ) ; Nanyang; strategy
According to Dialogue in Longzhong, Zhuge liang proposes a two-step strategy for Liu Bei: the first step is to take the Jingzhou and Yizhou Prefectures, and the second to capture Nanyang, Luoyang and all the central areas to the north of the Qingling Mountain. However, the strategy itself is problematic. On the one hand, the first step proves hard to accomplish due to Sun Quan' s (182 -252) strategic intention regarding Jingzhou, and the "domination of Jingzhou and Yizhou Prefectures" is aborted as a result of Liu Bei' s con- tentedness with his separatist regime, Guan Yu' s ( ? - 220) recklessness and Zhuge Liang' s minor influ- ences in the government. On the other hand, the second step relies exclusively on "future upheavals" by which Zhuge means the revolts possibly taking place in Cao Cao's (155 -220) force, but, being unable to produce sufficient evidence for that, he later never clings to it, and worse, his character undergoes vicissitudes during his later years; this means that the second step is doomed to failure whether objectively or subjectively.