Nankai Journal
《十四行集》 大化意识 时间体验 空灵关 圆形美
《十四行集》 大化意識 時間體驗 空靈關 圓形美
《십사행집》 대화의식 시간체험 공령관 원형미
Collection of Sonnets ; Awareness of Grandeur; Temporal Experience ; Ethereality; Roundedness
Feng Zhi's Collection of Sonnets is a combination of traditional Chinese Confucianist, Buddhist, and Taoist be- liefs and western Existentialism. It, with great variety in its philosophical contents, is a reflection on the world, human life, human destiny and their conversion. It bodies forth the sense of grandeur as is found in The Book of Changes, in Bud- dhism and in Taoism. It depicts with great emphasis the temporal experience and awareness of modernity, and examines closely the image of the "wasteland," an image that epitomizes the disaster of modern world. Feng's Collection of Sonnets possesses within it not only the intellectual intensity of modern poetry, but also an aesthetic feature that is at once profound and ethereal in nature. Similar to the profound roundedness in the ideas of the collection, there is also a perfect sense of roundedness in the prosody of the collection. The sense of roundedness and spontaneity as is found in the collection has made sonnet, just like free verse, into one of the most favored kinds of poetry in modern China.