Academic Monthly
以赛亚·伯林 列奥·施特劳斯 相对主义 多元主义 自由主义
以賽亞·伯林 列奧·施特勞斯 相對主義 多元主義 自由主義
이새아·백림 렬오·시특로사 상대주의 다원주의 자유주의
Isaiah Berlin, Leo Strauss, relativism, pluralism, liberalism
In his "Relativism," Leo Strauss criticized Isaiah Berlin's pluralism as a specific kind of relativism. However, Berlin himself explicitly claimed that he is not a relativist. With a careful investigation into Berlin's texts, this article argues that Berlin is not a relativist, and his pluralism is not a specific kind of relativism. It takes two approaches to develop this argument. The first approach is Berlin's own explicit defense against relativism. The Characteristics of relativism, according to Berlin, are subjectivity and unintelligibility. Berlin, however, indicated that some values are objective, and one could understand different values from different cultures. In other words, pluralism is characterized by objectivity and intelligibility. Since the key features of relativism, according to Strauss, are subjectivity, particularity, and impossibility of value judgments, it seems that the first approach is insufficient to argue against the latter two. Implicitly stated in Berlin's dispersed texts, the second approach that there are some universal values, and that value judgments are possible, could be much more defensible. Thus Berlin's explicit and implicit statements are combined to suggest that his pluralism is not a specific kind of relativism.