Nankai Business Review
网络能力 创业机会 网络位置 网络跨度
網絡能力 創業機會 網絡位置 網絡跨度
망락능력 창업궤회 망락위치 망락과도
Network Capabilities; Entrepreneurial Opportunity; Network Position; Network Range
Social capital has been adequately confirmed to makeprofound effect on entrepreneurial firms from survival to success. Especially in the early phase of entrepreneurship, the access to entrepreneurial resources and opportunities to create are depended on entrepreneurs' social networks. As the first employee of the new firm, entrepreneur carries the task to discover and exploit the entre- preneurial opportunities. However, an obvious gap in the literature is why some people can find and apply the appropriate opportuni- ties while others do not. Draw on the capability view, we propose that the entrepreneurs' capabilities to establish, develop and manage the social networks become the significant factors to the success of entrepreneurship. This paper presents the concept of entrepreneurs' network capabilities, which refers to individuals' dynamic capabili- ties to identify the value of their networks and to develop, maintain and exploit network ties to get access to information and resources. We incorporate aspects of network visioning, network establishment and network management as three dimensions of network capabil- ities. Using a sample of 207 entrepreneurs, we find that entrepre- neurs' network capabilities have a significant and positive effect on entrepreneurial opportunity discovery and exploitation. Further, the relationship between network capabilities and opportunity discov- ery is negatively moderated by network position, which indicates the alternative role of network capabilities in a changeable network position. However, the negative interaction did not significantly influence opportunity exploitation. Last, our results reveal that the influences of entrepreneurs' network capabilities on entrepreneurial opportunity discovery and exploitation were mediated by network range. The study makes three main contributions: (1) we raise the conception of entrepreneurs' network capabilities and provide its three components, which allows a new perspective to explore en- trepreneurial initial behaviors from individual level; (2) identified entrepreneurs' network capabilities as an important source of social capital by testing the mediating role of network range, which re- sponded to Adler and Kwon (2002)'s propose; (3) by incorporating the entrepreneurs' network capabilities and core social capital vari- ables, we find the substitution of network capabilities and position in achieving the opportunity discovery. The practical implications are also discussed.