Journal of Tibet University
斋林·旺多 许渊冲 翻译思想 比较
齋林·旺多 許淵遲 翻譯思想 比較
재림·왕다 허연충 번역사상 비교
W. Tailing; Xu Yuanchong; translation theories; comparison
W. Tailing and Xu Yuanchong are both great translators in modem history, who share a lot in common such as family background, and life experiences. This resulted in surprisingly similar style of translation theories that they are practicing. This article summarizes differences and similarities between W. Tailing and Xu Yuan chong in terms of choosing of translation text, translation principles and methods, and also ontological studies in translation, etc.. Based on the summary, this article suggests these translation theories have come out from long term translation practices and experiences of the two translators; therefore, they could share a lot in common, but on the other hand, embody strong personal characteristics. This articles also emphasizes that the similar transla tion theories hold by these two translators have great significance in guiding the current translation practices. Moreover, the compassion of these two translation theories can further enrich the comparative study of Chinese Tibetan translation theories.