Intellectual Property
商标在先使用 先用权 注册商标
商標在先使用 先用權 註冊商標
상표재선사용 선용권 주책상표
trademark prior use; prior use right; registered trademark
In China, the legal way to obtain the exclusive right to use trademarks is applying for registration. In most Anglo-American countries, they implement the principle of the protection of trademark use, so there is no theoretical obstacles to protect the prior use right of trademarks. However, those countries which implement the principle of the protection of trademark registration lack legal basis to protect the prior use right of trademark. In Chinese trademark law, the protection for well-know trademark is the same as international treaties, but the protection for prior use right of ordinary trademark lacks legal support. We have to admit that there are always interest conflicts between the prior user and the post registered person, or the trademark owner. Therefore, in order to balance the interests of prior users and registrants, we need to define the content and the elements of the prior use right of trademark, clarify the theoretical basis of the protection of prior use right of trademark, and put forward legislative suggestions.