Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice
张铁军 雒兴刚 蔡莉青 唐加福
張鐵軍 雒興剛 蔡莉青 唐加福
장철군 락흥강 채리청 당가복
顾客终身价值 移动资费套餐 优化模型 顾客购买行为
顧客終身價值 移動資費套餐 優化模型 顧客購買行為
고객종신개치 이동자비투찬 우화모형 고객구매행위
customer lifetime value; mobile billing suite; optimization model; customer ehoiee behavior
Mobile billing suite is all effect, lye way to satisty the different custolner requirements in market via the diversification of product. In the process of design of mobile billing suite, the determination of the number of suites, positioning of the market segment and the selection of attribute levels of mobile billing suite are important tasks for telccom enterprises and also complex decision-making problems. In this paper, an optimization model for mobile billing suite design based on customer choice behavior analysis is proposed. Customer choice behavior is introduced in the model and multinominal logit choice rule is used to simulate the choice behavior of a customer. The duration of revenue, fllture profit and discount rate are considered in the optimization model and maximization of customer lifetime value is applied as an objeetivc. Finally, a mobile billing suite cave of a telecom company is given to evaluate the proposed method and model.