Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice
分散型可再生能源 技术扩散 收入效应 元胞自动机
分散型可再生能源 技術擴散 收入效應 元胞自動機
분산형가재생능원 기술확산 수입효응 원포자동궤
decentralized renewable energy; technology diffusion; income effect; celhllar automata
An obstacle to the widespread adoption of decentralized renewable energy technology such as mini-type wind generator or solar water heater is their high upfront cost. Contrary to the traditional methods, such as learning curves, this paper studied from the view of income effect which was further divided into absolute income effect and relative income effect. Based on cellular automata technology, we categorized three states of cells as potential cells, waiting cells and adopted cells and then defined their nmtual transformation probability to develop a model of decentralized renewable energy. Using tile diffusion data of solar water heater in China, we compared the simulation results with regression ones by Bass model in fitness and accuracy, and verified the rationality of our cellular automata model. With tile help of Logit model, we find that the coefficient of income effect is in converse proportion to the transformation probability from potential cells to waiting cells, but in inverse proportion to the one from waiting cells to adopted cells, which reveals the diffusion path of solar water heater in China. Furthermore, this paper also finds that the bandwagon effect is mostly obvious in certain income interval rather than in tile maxinmm area, and initial income level of adopted cells has no significant effect on tile diffusion process. These findings shed some light on the management decision about market segmentation and development.