Academic Exchange
《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》 文艺理论 历史文化语境 当代意义
《在延安文藝座談會上的講話》 文藝理論 歷史文化語境 噹代意義
《재연안문예좌담회상적강화》 문예이론 역사문화어경 당대의의
The Talks at the Yah' an Forum of Literature and Art ; theory of literature and arts ; context ofhistory and culture; contemporary meaning
The Talks at the Yah' an Forum of Literature and Art presente us a ncn anu rigorous system of literature and art, discussed the relation of a series of literary elements, literature with writers, with life, with readers, and with politics, and put forward a complete creative theory of literature and arts. It pro moted the victory process of AntiJapanese War, achieved new breakthrough of literature and art process, and propelled the booming New Democratic and Socialistic literature and arts, marking the mature literary thoughts of Chinese Marxism. At present, the Talks is still of great significance for building socialist culture with Chi nese characteristics, promoting the progress of masses culture and forming Chinese culture featuring ethnic characteristics.