China Sport Science
汪晓赞 郭强 金燕 李有强 吴红权 季浏
汪曉讚 郭彊 金燕 李有彊 吳紅權 季瀏
왕효찬 곽강 금연 리유강 오홍권 계류
青少年 体育健康促进 生活方式 理论溯源 框架体系
青少年 體育健康促進 生活方式 理論溯源 框架體繫
청소년 체육건강촉진 생활방식 이론소원 광가체계
adolescent ;health promotion ; lifestyle; former theories;framework and system
By sorting the historical development of the theory and practice of adolescent health promotion in China and abroad, this paper concludes that two major transitions have occurred in this area-the transition from a supplementary means for early diagnosis and treatment to the promotion of a positive and healthy lifestyle; and the transition from the theoretical exploration of stipulating health public policies to the implementation of promotion plans. Successful pro- jects of adolescent health promotion in foreign counties include the President's Challenge, Let's Move, 5-2-1-0, People' s Health Movement, Sport Rejuvenation Plans, Designed to Move, Shape It Up, Camp NEW You, Exercise is Medicine, European Network of Health Pro- moting Schools, Instituto 13ola Pra Frente, etc. These exemplary projects are characterized as non-government involvement, comprehensively inclusion of target population, and uneven re- gional development. The promotion and implementation of adolescent health promotion in China are embodied in the following aspects:the implementation and promotion of health promotion plans in schools, the advancement of national macro policies, and the exploration of a mecha- nism of connecting different organizations. After analyzing the laws of development and the in- ner values of adolescent health promotion in China and abroad, considering the actual situation in China, this essay suggests a framework system of Chinese adolescent health promotion, which includes a multi-dimensional development pattern of physical intervention, psychological adjustment and nutritious diets; a multi-dimensional development strategy of connecting schools, homes and communities; and a multi-dimensional monitoring mechanism based on mod- ern information technological monitoring, evaluation and management. It will thereby encourage the full development of the Chinese theory and practice of sports and health promotion that fo- cuses on positive lifestyles.