Southeast Asian Studies
新加坡 住房问题 住房政策 效果
新加坡 住房問題 住房政策 效果
신가파 주방문제 주방정책 효과
Singapore ; Housing Problem ; Housing Policy ; Effectiveness
Singapore's housing problems has existed and ignored during the colonial era. After the independence, solving the housing problem has been committed by the Singapore Government and has been served as a tool to es- tablish a new and model state. With long-term powerful policy interventions, Singapore goverment has established a unique housing policy system with the Central Provident Fund as financial support, the Housing Development Bu- reau as the leading provision role, and the owner-occupied housing as the main tenure choice. The garden-like resi- dential environment, higher homeownership rates, strong supports for economic development and ethnic harmony and so on, all demonstrate the success of Singapore's housing policy interventions, and Singapore can indeed be named the model of "asset-building policy" for housing policy. Even so, Singapore's housing policy has negative effects, such as over-investment in public housing, the Fund, and the larger income gap. damage of the pension function of the Central Provident