Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edtion)
严复 《英文汉诂》 模糊认识 考辨
嚴複 《英文漢詁》 模糊認識 攷辨
엄복 《영문한고》 모호인식 고변
Yan Fu, English Grammar Explained in Chinese, misconceptions, clarification
Most studies in the foreign language circles on Yan Fu are focused on his translations of eight Western academic classics. In contrast, the English Grammar Explained in Chinese, an English grammar text- book written by Yan Fu, has gained little attention. There exist some misconceptions in our academia concern- ing English Grammar Explained in Chinese. Based on a detailed research, this paper has clarified those mis- conceptions and arrived at the following conclusions: Yan Fu's English signature, Julin Khedau Yen-Fuh, on cover of English Grammar Explained in Chinese, is Wade-Giles Romanization, which was popular at that time. Yan Fu pieces together his two titles "又陵" and “几道” to make up Julin Khedao Yen-Fuh for "又陵几道严复”. The publication of English Grammar Explained in Chinese can be traced back to the period be- tween June and July in 1904 ( the 30th year of Guang Xu, Emperor of the Qing dynasty ) by The Commercial Press. It is not the first Chinese work to introduce western modem punctuation, but is definitely the earliest application of such punctuation. Undoubtedly, in modem China, it was a grammar textbook written in Chinese by a Chinese scholar with the most comprehensive and systematic content at that time.