Journal of International Trade
特保措施 进口快速增长 因果关系 实质性损害
特保措施 進口快速增長 因果關繫 實質性損害
특보조시 진구쾌속증장 인과관계 실질성손해
Safeguard measure; Rapid growth in imports; Causality; Material injury
United States--Measures Affecting Imports of Certain Passenger Vehi- cle and Light Truck Tires from China is a case discussing the legitimacy of a transi- tional product-specific safeguard measure under Paragraph 16 of the Protocol (WTO Protocol on the Accession of the People' s Republic of China) that the US applied to its imports of certain passenger vehicle and light truck tires from China pursuant to Section 421 of the Trade Act of 1974 of the United States. This was the first case fo- cusing on the transitional product-specific safeguard provisions in Paragraph 16 of the Protocol. Questions that had not been dealt with before in WTO dispute settlement were raised in this case, including the issue of the relationship between this particular safeguard measure and the global safeguard mechanism under the WTO Agreements: GATT Article XIX and the WTO Safeguards Agreement. After deliberation, the Panel found that the United States did not fail to comply with its obligations under Para- graph 16 of the Protocol and related articles of GATT 1994. The conclusion was up- held by the Appellate Body.