Economic Research Journal
宏观审慎政策 货币政策 DSGE模型
宏觀審慎政策 貨幣政策 DSGE模型
굉관심신정책 화폐정책 DSGE모형
Macro-prudential Policy ; Monetary Policy; DSGE Model
The lesson of the international financial crisis had shown that the monetary policy which aimed at price stability does not guarantee financial stability and macroeconomic stability. So the financial system needed macro-prudential policy to maintain stability. Because monetary policy and macro-prudential policy were not entirely independent, policy makers need to first confirm the relationship between the two policies in order to effectively carry out economic management. The paper used DSGE model to analyze the effect of the macro-prudential policy and the relationship between monetary policy and macro-prudential policy, the results indicated: first of all, counter-cyclical capital tool for macro-prudential policy was welfare enhancing, and it could be useful to stabilize financial fluctuation; Secondly, macro-prudential policy could support monetary policy, especially when the market suffered financial shock, the support effect would be obvious. So when the authorities conduct the management to the macro economy, they need to realize synergies between the macro-prudential policy and monetary policy.