Urban Problems
城市公共设施 公共决策 邻避现象 治理 公民参与
城市公共設施 公共決策 鄰避現象 治理 公民參與
성시공공설시 공공결책 린피현상 치리 공민삼여
urban public facilities; public decision - making; NIMBY phenomenon ; governance; citizen participation
The N1MBY phenomenon is researched by u- sing attention shift theory together with typical case. The analy- sis indicates that NIMBY phenomenon is a consequence of the public attention shift and their insufficient participation in public decision- making. It is the public attention shift and choice change being ignored by public decision - making of city govern- ment that the public potential resistance to urban public facilities sitting evolved manifesting behavior. In order to resolve and pre- vent NIMBY phenomena, the decision- making process should be open and multiple correlation actors can friendly negotiate and bridge difference. The urban governmental decision makers should set up an idea to share decision - making power with the public, develop a series of management skills to promote citizen participation and finally establish the mutual trust and cooperation relationship through sustaining theoretical and practical poli- cy learning. That is the precondition for the open participatory decision -making mechanism to operate effectively.