Contemporary Foreign Literature
伊恩·麦克尤恩 伦理道德危机 不可靠叙述 伦理禁忌 空间叙事 互文性
伊恩·麥剋尤恩 倫理道德危機 不可靠敘述 倫理禁忌 空間敘事 互文性
이은·맥극우은 윤리도덕위궤 불가고서술 윤리금기 공간서사 호문성
Keywords: Ian McEwan, ethical and moral crises, unreliable narration, taboosubject, spatial narrative, intertextuality
Based on post-Second World War social realities, Ian McEwan's fiction from the first few decades of his writing career represents various ethical and moral crises of twentieth-century Britain. Stylistically, however, his writings in the 1970s and early 1980s exhibit an indulgence in taboo subjects, the conscious use of spatial narrative techniques and detached narration, whereas his novels in the 1990s and after gradually turn to more serious subject matters, such as politics, history and war. These later works,especially Amsterdam and Atonement, with their fascinating storylines, unique ethical encounters, unreliable narration and intertextual references, have inaugurated him as one of the most influential writers in the contemporary English literary scene. This paper argues that McEwan's transformation as a writer is mainly informed by his recognition of the author's power as narrator and the power of narrative intervention as a strategy toward moral edification.