Psychological Science
闫国利 迟慧 崔磊 夏萤 许晓露 白学军
閆國利 遲慧 崔磊 夏螢 許曉露 白學軍
염국리 지혜 최뢰 하형 허효로 백학군
中文阅读 汉字笔画 汉字加工 像素省略眼动
中文閱讀 漢字筆畫 漢字加工 像素省略眼動
중문열독 한자필화 한자가공 상소성략안동
Chinese reading, character strokes, Chinese character precessing, pixels removal, eye movements
Chinese characters are comprised of a variety of strokes with some simple features such as dots, nines, and curves. Are all strokes within a character equally important in the character identification? There are some studies to explore this field. The preliminary results showed that beginning strokes play a more central role in char- acter identification than ending strokes. And it is clearly the case that certain strokes are more central to successful character identifica- tion than others. To explain such an effect, a hypothesis has been put forward in the present study : "The order of writing affects the identification. " The present study was based on the study of Yan et al. (2012). But a more sensitive and accurate indicator was chosen to investigate the role of stroke encoding in character identification. Instead of the number of the strokes, the present experiment tried to use the "pix- el", the basic unit made up a stroke, to examine the effect. This experiment is a 2 (Removal Type: Beginning, Ending) x 3 (Percentage of Pixels Removed: 15%, 30% and 50% ) within -subjects design. In addition to these six experimental conditions, a control condition was included in which no strokes were deleted from the characters. Thirty - five undergraduate students participated in the experiment. Participants' eye movements were recorded with a SR Research EyeLink 2000 eye tracker. Each participant was tested individually. Global analyses were conducted based on measures of the reading behavior across the whole sentence. Repeated measures ANOVAs and pair - wise comparisons were carried out. All measures showed that Chinese characters with 15% of pixels removed were as easy to read as Chinese characters without any pixels removed. However, when 30%, or more of a character's pixels were removed, there was a robust effect related to the percentage of pixels removed: readers made more and longer fixations, more regressions and forward saccades, and longer total reading time when reading a text with increased percentages of pixels removed. Thus, it appears that texts with more pixels removed produced more disrup- tion to Chinese reading. Also, there was a robust effect related to pixel removal type. Characters with beginning pixels removed were more difficult to read than those with ending pixels removed. The results suggested that not all strokes within a character are of equal importance in the character identification processing. That is, where a stroke is laid down during the creation of a Chinese character, to some extent at least, determines how important that stroke is related to character identification in reading. Strokes that are laid down early during written character production appear to be more important than strokes laid down later. And most importantly, these results supported our hypothesis that the order of writing affects the identification both in English and Chinese.