Journal of Capital Normal University(Social Science Edition)
全球化 文学史观 反思与构建 通古今之变 观中西之别
全毬化 文學史觀 反思與構建 通古今之變 觀中西之彆
전구화 문학사관 반사여구건 통고금지변 관중서지별
globalization; view of literary history; reflection and construction; knowing past andpresent; comparing East and West
Over the past hundred years and more, scholars of Chinese literary history have tended to reflect on three major issues, the modernization of ancient literature, the westernization of Chinese literary research, and the politicization of literary studies. The General History of Chinese Poetry is in fact a most recent attempt on the basis of the above effort. Our mission being to examine the artistic nature of Chinese poetry from the perspective of world literature, thus illustrating more clearly its essentially Chinese characteristics, we have established as our new guiding view of literary history "knowing past and present" and "comparing East and West". We believe the aim of literary history is not to "summarize laws" but to "describe experiences". In actual writing of the book, we have endeavored to conduct full - scale research on every time period so as to give expression to the unique contours of each age, which, hopefully, is an important feature of the project as a whole.