Journal of Capital College of Physical Education
李文超 李鸿江 席凯强 毕长年
李文超 李鴻江 席凱彊 畢長年
리문초 리홍강 석개강 필장년
优势项目 复合型教练团队 科学训练 训科医管
優勢項目 複閤型教練糰隊 科學訓練 訓科醫管
우세항목 복합형교련단대 과학훈련 훈과의관
advantageous sports; interdisciplinary coaching team; scientific training; training, scientific research,medical service and management
In advantageous sports, the improvement of athletic abilities and competitive performance is often enforced by integrating talents working in relevant fields in the form of coaching teams and targeting at scientific training. Adopting the research methods of literature review, interviews and questionnaires, the present paper sets to study on the interdisciplinary coaching teams in advantageous sports in China. The study is divided into three parts, including the connotation, organizational structure and features, of interdisciplinary coaching teams, which work in the form of "training, scientific research, medical service and management". This study can help sports teams efficiently solve the team problem through organic integration in the forms of assembling "fragmented elements", activating "idle elements" and eomplemen ting "single elements", so as to form a situation of complementary advantages, and transform passive safeguards to active and open ones as well as extensive and quantitative safeguards to intensive and efficient ones.