The Journal of The Library Science in China
魏群义 袁芳 贾欢 霍然 侯桂楠 杨新涯
魏群義 袁芳 賈歡 霍然 侯桂楠 楊新涯
위군의 원방 가환 곽연 후계남 양신애
移动图书馆 公共图书馆 移动服务
移動圖書館 公共圖書館 移動服務
이동도서관 공공도서관 이동복무
Mobile library. Public library. Mobile service.
Based on the method of online investigation, questionnaires and effectiveness tests, we investigated the national library and thirty-one provincial public libraries for evaluating current status of mobile library. Comparative analysis of mobile service was carried out between the public libraries of China and the top 25 US public libraries. The result shows that: currently, mobile service in China is less widespread and the mode of mobile service mainly focuses on WAP and APP; mobile libraries provide diverse mobile services and abundant library resources, and the service is personalized and interactive. However, the process of mobile library service is not faultless, and mobile service lacks novelty, and has low awareness and insufficient effec- tiveness. Both Chinese and American public libraries have some advantages. Public libraries in China provide more rich services and resources. And mobile services among US public libraries possess more humanization and refinement. Mobile services are better combined with the mobile terminals, and have a rich collection of information display. 6 figs. 3 tabs. 37 refs.