Modern Distance Education Research
在线教育 MOOCs 研究现状 发展趋势 文献分析
在線教育 MOOCs 研究現狀 髮展趨勢 文獻分析
재선교육 MOOCs 연구현상 발전추세 문헌분석
Online Education; MOOCs; Research Status; Development Trend; Literature Review
MOOCs have become the buzzword in the online education and higher education reform both at home and abroad in recent years, drawing the attention from scholars of both education and other sectors. This is followed by a proliferation of publications on this much debated new phenomenon. This research systematically reviews 649 articles on MOOCs that were published between January 2008 and April 2014. We approach the analysis of these publications from three perspectives: the introduction to and review on MOOCs, the online teaching and learning, and the education reform. As far as research on MOOCs is concerned, the majority of the publications come in the form of commentary, which covers a variety of themes but lack in-depth analysis. MOOCs have gone through the process of eMOOCs being replaced by xMOOCs, and the establishment and adjustment of the business model. This is also a process in which rational thinking and implementation of MOOCs overcome the initial frenzy or bias. While recognizing the great value of MOOCs in the promotion of the potential impact of technology on education, we should not regard MOOCs as a panacea for all problems in education. Instead, MOOCs should be viewed as a catalyst for further integration of technology with education. In terms of magnitude, MOOCs should only represent an event in online education, not an era. A deeper understanding of the nature and trajectory of online education leads us to the conclusion that MOOCs should be positioned in the systems of online courses and online education, and that we should closely follow its new development and engage in pertinent empirical studies. It is hoped that MOOCs will be gradually integrated into online education at the teaching and learning level, and he offered in an open and distance mode at the administration level. Educational reform should refocus on blended learning, and future research should promote the innovation of ubiquitous online education systems.