South China journal of Economy
基金家族 造星策略 溢出效应 信号传递博弈 面板数据模型
基金傢族 造星策略 溢齣效應 信號傳遞博弈 麵闆數據模型
기금가족 조성책략 일출효응 신호전체박혁 면판수거모형
Fund Family; Star - making Strategy; Spillover Effect; Signaling Game ; Panel Data Model.
At present, we use a fixed - rate system, which charges the fund family low cost of star - making. However, the fund family will get huge management fees when the star - making strategy is successful and the star fund attracts more capital inflows. This huge difference in costs and benefits will lead to excessive star - making sports implemented by the fund family. Based on this phenomenon, this paper has studied on the internal reason and result of fund families' star - making strategy by means of model constructing and empirical study. In the short term, the fund family's star - making strategy is not effective, but in the long term, the strategy is very effective. The fund family's cash flow has positive relation with the fund family's overall performance. Therefore, in order to get more management fees, the fund family should aim to improve performance.