Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology
郑海玲 周旸 徐东良 玛尔亚木·依不拉音木 赵丰
鄭海玲 週旸 徐東良 瑪爾亞木·依不拉音木 趙豐
정해령 주양 서동량 마이아목·의불랍음목 조봉
唐代绢袜 阿斯塔纳 老化 仪器分析办法
唐代絹襪 阿斯塔納 老化 儀器分析辦法
당대견말 아사탑납 노화 의기분석판법
Tang dynasty silk socks; Astana;Aging; Analytical instrument method
It is necessary to assess the current conditions of silk textiles before a conservator starts a conservation job. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT- IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and amino acid analysis (AA) were used to characterize and compare modern silk and Tang Dynasty beige silk socks from Astana tombs. The Astana silk socks were very fragile when compared with modern silks. It was found that the appearance and molecular structure of the Tang Dynasty silk socks had changed significantly. The appearance of fiber was rougher and the texture was less compact. The thermal decomposition temperature of ancient silk dropped. In addition, the amino acid composition changed significantly, too. In particular, the aspar- tic acid and tyrosine content were about 30% lower. The textile had also lost its strength. The results indicated that the current state of preservation of the silk stocks is not satisfactory and that immediate conservation is needed.