Teacher Education Research
美国教师教育研究 教师教育研究杂志(JTE) 共现分析 研究主题 作者群分析
美國教師教育研究 教師教育研究雜誌(JTE) 共現分析 研究主題 作者群分析
미국교사교육연구 교사교육연구잡지(JTE) 공현분석 연구주제 작자군분석
American teacher education research; Journal of Teacher Education (JTE); co-occurrence Analysis;research theme; authors group analysis
Three research clusters around one core of research themes has been formed in American teacher education research area since the 21^st century. The first cluster was educational reform research, taking teacher knowledge and faith, teacher education theory, cooperation and action research as basis; the second was teacher professional development research, taking urban teacher education, mathematics education, teachers' learning and tutor as basis; and the third one consists of three branch clusters, i. e. teacher quality research, diverse research and teacher cultivation research. In short, teacher professional development research took the brightest and best place among teacher education research themes, educational reform research present a connecting link between the preceding and the following, mathematics education research raise a new research wave. Good connected themes co-occurrence mapping showed there was a close relationship among each research theme. Mthough there was a great group that research teacher education, their cooperation degree was not high, On the contrary, high produced authors' institution had a comparatively concentrated distribution along American' s east and west coast and the Great Lakes. American teacher education cited the classic hterature, and the cited references present a diachronic co-occurrence state. From the high cited references co-occurrence mapping, the co-occurrence times was high and relation was close.