China Industrial Economy
碳强度约束 宏观效应 结构效应 可计算一般均衡模型
碳彊度約束 宏觀效應 結構效應 可計算一般均衡模型
탄강도약속 굉관효응 결구효응 가계산일반균형모형
carbon intensity constraint; macro effect; structural effect; computable equilibrium model
We use a dynamic computable equilibrium model to simulate the impacts of carbon intensity constraint at the macro and sector level in China. The results indicate that China should accelerate decreasing carbon intensity in the near future to realize the planned carbon intensity constraint target. The carbon intensity constraint will significantly raise the prices of fossil fuels and carbon intensive products, thus it will cause small but negative impact on China's economic growth and domestic demand, especially the investment, and cause the social average wage rate, capital rent rate and return rate of investment to decrease. The domestic supply and total output of most of the sectors will also decrease. However, the sectors whose exports will decrease are mainly the fossil fuels and carbon intensive sectors. The exports of many labor intensive and technology intensive sectors may increase. The imports of most of the sectors will decrease but the imports of several carbon intensive sectors may increase. At the same time, there will great drops in total energy consumption and carbon emissions, most of which are contributed by the sector of fire-based power and heat production and supplying. We suggest on the one hand the government may adopt policies, such as carbon tax, to achidve the carbon intensity constraint target, on the other hand the government may take measures, such as accelerating the development of non-fossil fuels, promoting energy saving technologies and encouraging each sector especially the sector of fire-based power and heat production and supplying to improving their energy efficiency, to strengthen the energy saving and carbon mitigating effects of carbon intensity constraint and reduce its negative effect on economy.