Academic Research
词语 《论语》 《文心雕龙》 思想影响
詞語 《論語》 《文心彫龍》 思想影響
사어 《론어》 《문심조룡》 사상영향
words; The Analects; Wen Xin Diao Long; ideological influence
There are more than 80 citations from The Analects in Wen Xin Diao Long, most of which are word reference in the general sense. The Analects' great influence on Wen Xin Diao Long can be seen from their shared thoughts: attaching importance to education; emphasizing benevolence and filial piety, uprightness and purity in ideas and socially acceptability in ways of expressing the ideas, and literature and morality to promote each other; stressing elegance in writing style, harmony of form and content, "Never record what you are uncertain about. ", and" A superior man will fear his merits do not agree with his fame. "