Linguistic Sciences
手语语言学 聋童语言获得 手语双语 知识转移 随班就读 聋教育
手語語言學 聾童語言穫得 手語雙語 知識轉移 隨班就讀 聾教育
수어어언학 롱동어언획득 수어쌍어 지식전이 수반취독 롱교육
sign linguistics language acquisition of deaf children sign bilingualism knowledge transfer inclusive education deaf education
For the last thirty or forty years, the study of contemporary linguistics has been ex- panded to cover both spoken language and signed language. The emergence of sign linguistics has trig- gered a lot of interest in how deaf children acquire language, to the extent that the findings have be- gun to impact the ways and means of language disorders assessment, language therapy, or even language in deaf education. All these developments reflect the fundamental philosophy and value of scientific research, which is to push the frontiers of research at the same time to transfer knowledge of research findings to benefit and to satisfy the needs of the society. In this paper, we will focus on how the research findings of sign linguistics and language acquisition of deaf children have led to an important reformulation of deaf education practices-sign bilingualism in deaf education.