Chinese Teaching in the World
华语文教育 汉语国际教育 华语文教师 教师专业发展
華語文教育 漢語國際教育 華語文教師 教師專業髮展
화어문교육 한어국제교육 화어문교사 교사전업발전
Chinese language and culture education, international Chinese language education, Chinese language teachers, teacher professional development
The development of Chinese language and culture education puts forward a higher requirement for teachers' professional development. Thus, how to promote overseas Chinese language teachers' professional development and help them improve their professional skills and teaching abilities has become an important research topic of vital practical significance among the Chinese language educational circle. Starting with an analysis of the present situation of teachers' professional development theories, this paper discusses the concept, stages, paradigms, standards, and the special demands set by the status quo of overseas Chinese language education and the particularities of the discipline. The paper continues to elaborate the ways and means of professional development for overseas Chinese language teachers. It is then suggested that a uniform academic organization should be established jointly by educational institutes in China and outside China to conduct research in professional development of overseas Chinese language teachers, so that their professional skills and teaching abilities can be improved and Chinese language and culture education faster and better promoted.