Journal of Northeast Normal University(Social Science)
寻租 教育领域 利益 进路
尋租 教育領域 利益 進路
심조 교육영역 이익 진로
Rent-seeking; In the Field of Education ; Benefit ;Approach
From an academic point of view, this paper presents the characteristics of the rent-seeking behavior in the field of education, cause and measures. In that way, the rent-seeking behavior mainly exists in the field where the market is not fully competitive,and those people usually gain benefits by damaging the interests of others. Especially in the field of education, the damage to society is huge. To find the origin of the rent- seeking behavior in the field of education and bring up key measures have become the focus of researchers. In Marx's interest theory, the starting point for the acts of each rational individual is the maximization of their own interests. They believe that interest is the inherent motive of leading to the rent- seeking behavior,thus we should take this as a breakthrough point and look for the approach for suppression and getting rid of the rent-seeking behavior in the field of education. The study found that, because of the government intervention,asymmetric information,imperfect system,and the low moral level and the faint awareness of the law,make the rent-seeking behavior with the characteristics of complexity, specialty, personality and negative externality. This paper presents some measures to solve these problems by putting forward to reform, increasing the transparency of process, perfecting legislation and strengthening moral education,and completing the academic system.