Journal of International Trade
环境规制 污染密集型行业 出口竞争力
環境規製 汙染密集型行業 齣口競爭力
배경규제 오염밀집형행업 출구경쟁력
Environmental regulation, Pollution intensive industry, Export com-petitiveness
The TPP environmental cooperation agreement shows that environ- mental standards are becoming an important direction of new trade standards. This paper builds a theoretical model including two factors and three industries, and analyzes the reaction of the relative price of products of different industries to the establishment of environmental tax, proving that the influence of environ- mental tax change on product competitiveness is closely connected with factor output elastic coefficient. Then, combined with special cases and production func- tion analysis, this paper proves environmental tax not only directly increases prod- uct cost and price, but also indirectly affects product competitiveness by factor re- turn change influencing the total cost structure determined by factor output elas- tic coefficient. After that, the paper decomposes the input-output model, calculates domestic carbon emission from export trade in different industries and analyzes export industries with high sensitivity to carbon tax and their significance on car- bon tax design and implementation, and finally provides policy recommendations.