Science & Technology Progress and Policy
小微企业 创业决策 创业学习 差错取向 机会识别
小微企業 創業決策 創業學習 差錯取嚮 機會識彆
소미기업 창업결책 창업학습 차착취향 궤회식별
Small and Micro Businesses;Entrepreneurial Decision;Entrepreneurial Learning;Error Orientation;Oppor-tunity Identification
Mini-small-scaled firm differentiated from mutual and large-scaled firm.During the decision-making process, persistent learning and recurring judgment played key role on speed of entrepreneurial decision-making,decision accuracy and degree of social identity.In order to further explore the process of decision-making,the paper set up the theory model among entrepreneurial learning,error orientation,opportunity identification and decision-making.The conclusion by col-lecting valid 249 entrepreneurial samples showed that:entrepreneurial decision have a significant positive correlation with entrepreneurial learning,error orientation and opportunity identification behavior.Entrepreneurial learning,error orienta-tion and opportunity identification behavior can effectively predict entrepreneurial decision;it was found that opportunity i-dentification behavior play a partial mediatory role between entrepreneurial learning and speed of decision making and deci-sion accuracy,opportunity identification behavior play a partial mediatory role between entrepreneurial learning and degree of recognition decisions.Opportunity identification behavior play a partial mediatory role between error orientation and en-trepreneurial decision,opportunity identification behavior play a fully mediatory role between error orientation and decision accuracy of entrepreneurial decision.The result had enlightened effect on entrepreneurial theory and practice.