Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
马恒芬 贾丽萍 耿峰 白学军
馬恆芬 賈麗萍 耿峰 白學軍
마항분 가려평 경봉 백학군
双语者 双语表征 跨语言重复启动 不对称 修正层级模型
雙語者 雙語錶徵 跨語言重複啟動 不對稱 脩正層級模型
쌍어자 쌍어표정 과어언중복계동 불대칭 수정층급모형
bilinguals; bilingual representation; cross - language repetition priming; asymmetry; revised hierarchical model
采用前、后掩蔽的启动范式,在短SOA(stimulus onset asynchrony)的条件下对不同熟练程度的双语者的跨语言启动现象进行了考察。实验结果表明:汉语(第一语言L1)作为目标语言时,语言内的启动效应显著于跨语言的启动效应;英语(第二语言L2)作为目标语言时,语言间的启动效应则显著于语言内的启动效应;该实验结果显示出了跨语言启动的不对称性,高、低熟练程度的受试者均是如此,可以用双语加工的修正层级模型加以解释。
採用前、後掩蔽的啟動範式,在短SOA(stimulus onset asynchrony)的條件下對不同熟練程度的雙語者的跨語言啟動現象進行瞭攷察。實驗結果錶明:漢語(第一語言L1)作為目標語言時,語言內的啟動效應顯著于跨語言的啟動效應;英語(第二語言L2)作為目標語言時,語言間的啟動效應則顯著于語言內的啟動效應;該實驗結果顯示齣瞭跨語言啟動的不對稱性,高、低熟練程度的受試者均是如此,可以用雙語加工的脩正層級模型加以解釋。
채용전、후엄폐적계동범식,재단SOA(stimulus onset asynchrony)적조건하대불동숙련정도적쌍어자적과어언계동현상진행료고찰。실험결과표명:한어(제일어언L1)작위목표어언시,어언내적계동효응현저우과어언적계동효응;영어(제이어언L2)작위목표어언시,어언간적계동효응칙현저우어언내적계동효응;해실험결과현시출료과어언계동적불대칭성,고、저숙련정도적수시자균시여차,가이용쌍어가공적수정층급모형가이해석。
Using the forward and backward masking priming paradigm, this paper investigates the cross -language priming phenomenon for bilinguals selected and separated into different English proficiency groups according to theirscores of English Bands 4 and 6 tests under the short SOA ( stimulus onset asynchrony) conditions. The results show that when the target language is Chinese ( L1 ), the within - language repetition priming effect is more significant than thecross -language one; when the target language is English (L2), the cross -language priming effect is more significant than the within - language one, in spite of high or low proficiency of the subjects. This suggests that the asymmetry incross -language repetition priming for Chinese -English bilinguals can be explained by the revised hierarchical model for bilingual processing