Journal of Shandong Normal University(Social Science Edition)
黑色幽默小说 《第二十二条军规》 战争 恐怖 荒诞
黑色幽默小說 《第二十二條軍規》 戰爭 恐怖 荒誕
흑색유묵소설 《제이십이조군규》 전쟁 공포 황탄
Black Humor novels ; Catch - 22 ; war ; terror ; absurd
20世纪六七十年代的美国黑色幽默小说对战争题材情有独钟。基于作家特有的人生经验、现实感受、思想观念和美学倾向,他们对于战争的描绘与开掘别开生面。和现实主义小说对战争的表现不同,在黑色幽默小说的世界里,战争被赋予了更为荒诞的色彩和更接近存在本质的寓意。《第二十二条军规》作为其中的典范之作,从小说内容与形式的处理手法和主题立意的表达上,均凸现出这一流派独特的风格、观念。战争在该小说中通过作战部队里形形色色癫狂古怪的人物以及各种匪夷所思的离奇事件,呈现出遍布混乱与疯狂的奇异景象 而透过对掩盖在谎言与制度之下的恐怖与荒谬的揭示,战争的无理性与无意义昭然若揭。
20世紀六七十年代的美國黑色幽默小說對戰爭題材情有獨鐘。基于作傢特有的人生經驗、現實感受、思想觀唸和美學傾嚮,他們對于戰爭的描繪與開掘彆開生麵。和現實主義小說對戰爭的錶現不同,在黑色幽默小說的世界裏,戰爭被賦予瞭更為荒誕的色綵和更接近存在本質的寓意。《第二十二條軍規》作為其中的典範之作,從小說內容與形式的處理手法和主題立意的錶達上,均凸現齣這一流派獨特的風格、觀唸。戰爭在該小說中通過作戰部隊裏形形色色癲狂古怪的人物以及各種匪夷所思的離奇事件,呈現齣遍佈混亂與瘋狂的奇異景象 而透過對掩蓋在謊言與製度之下的恐怖與荒謬的揭示,戰爭的無理性與無意義昭然若揭。
20세기륙칠십년대적미국흑색유묵소설대전쟁제재정유독종。기우작가특유적인생경험、현실감수、사상관념화미학경향,타문대우전쟁적묘회여개굴별개생면。화현실주의소설대전쟁적표현불동,재흑색유묵소설적세계리,전쟁피부여료경위황탄적색채화경접근존재본질적우의。《제이십이조군규》작위기중적전범지작,종소설내용여형식적처리수법화주제립의적표체상,균철현출저일류파독특적풍격、관념。전쟁재해소설중통과작전부대리형형색색전광고괴적인물이급각충비이소사적리기사건,정현출편포혼란여풍광적기이경상 이투과대엄개재황언여제도지하적공포여황류적게시,전쟁적무이성여무의의소연약게。
American novels of Blackto the subject matter of war. BasedHumor in the 1960s and the 1970s cherishon their unique life experience, their reala special preference onlyfeelings, their ideas andtheir aesthetic tendencies, their description and comprehension of war have broken a new path. Differentfrom the novels of realism in the aspect of depicting war, more absurd coloring and more implied meanings closer to the nature of existence are bestowed to war in the world created by the novels of Black Hu-mor. As one the classic works of Black Humor, Catch -22 highlights the unique style and concepts ofthis literary school, viewed either from its processing device in dealing with content and form, or from theexpression of its thematic conception. In the novel, war presents a singular sight of pervasive chaos andmadness through the description of various insane and eccentric characters and all sorts of fantastic andwacky events in the combat troops and the irrationality and meaninglessness of war were consequentlylaid bare entirely with the terror and absurdity hidden under the lies and the institution.