Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosphy and Social Science Edition)
宗密 一心二门 濂溪 宇宙本体论
宗密 一心二門 濂溪 宇宙本體論
종밀 일심이문 렴계 우주본체론
Zongmi;an individual having two ways of salvation; Lianxi; universe ontology
濂溪哲学是以儒家为立场三教融合的结果,然而三教融合理论的奠人却是宗密.宗密学说以一心二门为思维模式,贯心性理气为一体,熔儒、释、道三家为一炉,建构出本始纵横的理论结构.濂溪以此为理论础开创理学的宇宙本体论:援其融合心性有无的“空—寂 知”模式立儒家心性合一之诚体;依其融通性相体用、动静染净的“真如—藏识”上下二层构架建天人理性合一的二层心性说;采其一多相摄、会通性相的四德流行说构儒家气性合一的宇宙论.总之,濂溪以宗密“本乎一心”而“始于一气”的“本始”结构为统领,以纵生横含的体用架构为大纲,建构理学的“一心二门”宇宙本体论,即以“诚”为“一心”开“静无而动有”二门和“无极而太极”二门.
濂溪哲學是以儒傢為立場三教融閤的結果,然而三教融閤理論的奠人卻是宗密.宗密學說以一心二門為思維模式,貫心性理氣為一體,鎔儒、釋、道三傢為一爐,建構齣本始縱橫的理論結構.濂溪以此為理論礎開創理學的宇宙本體論:援其融閤心性有無的“空—寂 知”模式立儒傢心性閤一之誠體;依其融通性相體用、動靜染淨的“真如—藏識”上下二層構架建天人理性閤一的二層心性說;採其一多相攝、會通性相的四德流行說構儒傢氣性閤一的宇宙論.總之,濂溪以宗密“本乎一心”而“始于一氣”的“本始”結構為統領,以縱生橫含的體用架構為大綱,建構理學的“一心二門”宇宙本體論,即以“誠”為“一心”開“靜無而動有”二門和“無極而太極”二門.
렴계철학시이유가위립장삼교융합적결과,연이삼교융합이론적전인각시종밀.종밀학설이일심이문위사유모식,관심성리기위일체,용유、석、도삼가위일로,건구출본시종횡적이론결구.렴계이차위이론출개창이학적우주본체론:원기융합심성유무적“공—적 지”모식립유가심성합일지성체;의기융통성상체용、동정염정적“진여—장식”상하이층구가건천인이성합일적이층심성설;채기일다상섭、회통성상적사덕류행설구유가기성합일적우주론.총지,렴계이종밀“본호일심”이“시우일기”적“본시”결구위통령,이종생횡함적체용가구위대강,건구이학적“일심이문”우주본체론,즉이“성”위“일심”개“정무이동유”이문화“무겁이태겁”이문.
Based on Confucianism, the philosophy of Lianxi (a famous philosopher in the earlier Song Dynasty and the founder of Neo-Confucianism) is the result of integration of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. However, the founder of the integration theory is Zongmi (a famous Buddhist in Tang Dynasty). With the thought pattern of an individual having two ways of salvation, Zongmi merged the nature and the law and substance of universe. Besides, he integrated Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and constructed the theoretical framework of ontology. Bases on these, Lianxi created the universe ontology of Neo-Confucianism: on the basis of "kong-fi-zhi" (emptiness-quietness-understanding)pattern of Zong's merging of xin and xing (heart and nature), Lian created the unity of zin and acing of Confueianism; according to the two levels of "zhenru-cang- shi" of Zong's merging of nature, appearance, movement and quietness, Lianxi created the rational unity of man and nature based on Zong's interaction of individual and multiple and melting of nature and appearance, Lian created the unity of law and substance of universe. Therefore, with Zong's ontology as framework, Lian created the universe ontology of an individual having two ways of salvation of Neo-Confucianism.