陈国科 王辉 李延祥 张良仁 杨月光
陳國科 王輝 李延祥 張良仁 楊月光
진국과 왕휘 리연상 장량인 양월광
甘肃 张掖市 西城驿遗址 西城驿二期遗存 房址 墓葬
甘肅 張掖市 西城驛遺阯 西城驛二期遺存 房阯 墓葬
감숙 장액시 서성역유지 서성역이기유존 방지 묘장
Gansu Zhangye City Xichengyi Site The Remains of the Xichengyi Phase II House Foundations Burials
一、遗址概况 西城驿遗址地处河西走廊中部、黑水河流域中游,位于张掖市甘州区明永乡东北部(图一),介于黑水国南城和北城之间,紧邻312国道,东距黑水河10公里。
一、遺阯概況 西城驛遺阯地處河西走廊中部、黑水河流域中遊,位于張掖市甘州區明永鄉東北部(圖一),介于黑水國南城和北城之間,緊鄰312國道,東距黑水河10公裏。
일、유지개황 서성역유지지처하서주랑중부、흑수하류역중유,위우장액시감주구명영향동북부(도일),개우흑수국남성화북성지간,긴린312국도,동거흑수하10공리。
The Xichengyi Site covering areas about 35 ha in total is located in the middle of the Hexi Corridor. In the excavations from 2010 through 2013, areas covering 1350 sq m have been excavated, the remains recovered from which were dated as around 4100-3600 BP, lasting from the late Machang Culture, the Xichengyi Phase II period and the early Siba Culture. 351 units including house foundations, ash pits, pottery kilns and burials were recovered and over 2000 pieces (sets) of artifacts were unearthed, which revealed the origins of Siba Culture and preliminarily established the development sequence of the prehistoric cultures in the Heishui River Valley. The discovery of large amounts of remains and relics of metallurgy provided important materials for the researches on the early metallurgic technologies in Hexi Corridor. The discoveries of barley, wheat, scepter head, adobe architecture and so on are very meaningful for the explorations to the early cultural communication between the East and the West.