束家平 杭涛 刘刚 薛炳宏
束傢平 杭濤 劉剛 薛炳宏
속가평 항도 류강 설병굉
隋炀帝 萧后 隋唐 墓葬 墓志
隋煬帝 蕭後 隋唐 墓葬 墓誌
수양제 소후 수당 묘장 묘지
Emperor Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty Empress Xiao Sui and Tang Dynasties Burials Epitaphs
一、发掘经过 隋炀帝墓位于扬州市邗江区西湖镇司徒村曹庄组的蜀冈西峰顶部,地势高于四周,其南侧为蜀冈西峰生态公园,北纬32°25’22”,东经119°23’32”,海拔高蚴米,东距唐子城遗址西南角1.8公里(图一)。
一、髮掘經過 隋煬帝墓位于颺州市邗江區西湖鎮司徒村曹莊組的蜀岡西峰頂部,地勢高于四週,其南側為蜀岡西峰生態公園,北緯32°25’22”,東經119°23’32”,海拔高蚴米,東距唐子城遺阯西南角1.8公裏(圖一)。
일、발굴경과 수양제묘위우양주시한강구서호진사도촌조장조적촉강서봉정부,지세고우사주,기남측위촉강서봉생태공완,북위32°25’22”,동경119°23’32”,해발고유미,동거당자성유지서남각1.8공리(도일)。
In March 2012, two brick-chamber tombs (numbered as 2013YCM1 and 2013YCM2) of the Sui and Tang Dynasties were found at Caozhuang Section of Situ Village in Xihu Town, Hanjiang Dislrict, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu. From March through November of that year, a joint archaeological team conducted detection and excavation to these tombs and the surrounding area, but no traces of graveyard were found. In M1, a stone epitaph with texts of "the Epitaph of the Late Emperor Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty" and so on was unearthed, the legible contents of which generally match the historic literature. From the two tombs, the diexie belt decorated with 13 sets of jade plaques and gold plates, gilt bronze pushou- doorknockers, jade zhang-scepter, bronze chime bells and chime music stones and crown with phoenix design and other high- ranking and high quality grave goods were unearthed, as well as large amounts of elaborately and true-to-life made pottery human and animal figurines. The discoveries of the stone epitaph and the high-ranking and high quality grave goods fully proved that these two brick-chamber tombs found in Caozhuang are the final graves of Emperor Yangdi and Empress Xiao of the Sui Dynasty.