Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programme Management
老年监护制度 意定监护 指定监护 监护监督
老年鑑護製度 意定鑑護 指定鑑護 鑑護鑑督
노년감호제도 의정감호 지정감호 감호감독
the elderly guardianship system; intended guardianship; appointed guardianship; supervisionof guardianship
Law of the Peopleg Republic of China on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly has laida foundation for the establishment of a flexible unified elderly guardianship system in our country. And the in-tended guardianship added in the amendment will play great significance in protecting the interests of the elderly.However, the law is only a rough outline of frame regulations with such shortcomings as unclear clauses and lackof operability. So the guardianship system should be further improved by explicitly defining the contents of ap-pointed guardianship, increasing legal ways of the guardianship, and establishing guardianship monitoring systemand etc.