Nankai Business Review
薪酬契约 参照点效应 在职消费 主动离职
薪酬契約 參照點效應 在職消費 主動離職
신수계약 삼조점효응 재직소비 주동리직
Compensation Contract; Reference Point Effect; Perks; Voluntary Turnover
Based on the theoretical framework of behavioral economics, this article uses data from Chinese listed companies in China 'A stock market' between year 2004 to 2011 to investigate empirically the reference point effect of top manager's compensation contract and discusses its governance impact on firm's perks level and top manager's voluntary turnover behavior. The empirical results show that: (1) Top manager's compensation contract in Chinese listed companies presents significant reference point effect, which implies that the salary level of top managers is significantly related to the average level of counterparts in the same industry and the same region. (2) According to the reference point contract theory in behavioral economics field, top managers' negative psychological perception which is mainly motivated by the reference point effect of their compensation contract will exert great influence on'.their intention to implement expensive perks or voluntary turnover behavior. Concretely speaking, when top managers realize that their compensation level is much more lower than the average compensation level of their counterparts whose companies are in the same industry or located in the same region with them, top managers will generate strong negative psycholog- ical reaction about their deserve interest being expropriated. As a result, these top managers have much more motivation to exercise perquisite consumption so as to obtain an implicitly alternative incentive to make up their loss in explicit compensation contract. What is more, these top managers also show greater probability to turnover voluntarily, which is another kind of retaliatory behavior to their unfair compensation contracts. All these actions can be seen as top managers' negatively reciprocal response to their un- fair compensation contract which leads to their interest erosion. Overall, this research expands our theoretical understanding about top manager's compensation contract, and it also provides some supportive evidence to the reference pointing contract theory in one particular context.