Ecological Economy
唐少霞 侯璇音 赵志忠 罗艳菊 毕华
唐少霞 侯璇音 趙誌忠 囉豔菊 畢華
당소하 후선음 조지충 라염국 필화
海南 居民 滨海旅游 感知差异 分析
海南 居民 濱海旅遊 感知差異 分析
해남 거민 빈해여유 감지차이 분석
Hainan; resident; seashore tourism; difference of oerceotion; analysis
以海口市、三亚市、琼海市、文昌市及陵水县为研究靶区,在实地调研的基础上,分析海南岛东部居民对滨海旅游开发带来经济、文化及环境等影响的感知差异及其原因机制,结果显示,海南岛东部各市县居民: (1)对经济影响的正面感知强于负面感知; (2)对经济影响的正面感知与当地旅游业占GDP的比例成正相关关系; (3)对社会文化影响的正面感知较强而负面感知非常弱; (4)对环境影响负面感知强于正面感知; (5)海南滨海旅游开发的规模越大海滩私有化程度越强,近海海域环境质量越好。
以海口市、三亞市、瓊海市、文昌市及陵水縣為研究靶區,在實地調研的基礎上,分析海南島東部居民對濱海旅遊開髮帶來經濟、文化及環境等影響的感知差異及其原因機製,結果顯示,海南島東部各市縣居民: (1)對經濟影響的正麵感知彊于負麵感知; (2)對經濟影響的正麵感知與噹地旅遊業佔GDP的比例成正相關關繫; (3)對社會文化影響的正麵感知較彊而負麵感知非常弱; (4)對環境影響負麵感知彊于正麵感知; (5)海南濱海旅遊開髮的規模越大海灘私有化程度越彊,近海海域環境質量越好。
이해구시、삼아시、경해시、문창시급릉수현위연구파구,재실지조연적기출상,분석해남도동부거민대빈해여유개발대래경제、문화급배경등영향적감지차이급기원인궤제,결과현시,해남도동부각시현거민: (1)대경제영향적정면감지강우부면감지; (2)대경제영향적정면감지여당지여유업점GDP적비례성정상관관계; (3)대사회문화영향적정면감지교강이부면감지비상약; (4)대배경영향부면감지강우정면감지; (5)해남빈해여유개발적규모월대해탄사유화정도월강,근해해역배경질량월호。
This study took five religions (Haikou, Sanya, Qionghai, Wenchang and Linshui) as research targets in orderto analyze how the perception of the residents in Hainan are related to economy, culture and environment under thecircumstances of the booming of seashore tourism on the basis of local research data. The results are as follows: 1) Theresidents' positive perception is more intense than the negative one towards economy; 2) The positive perception towardseconomy is positive correlation to the proportion of local seashore tourism in GDP; 3) The perception towards the socialculture is fairly positive while the negative perception is extremely low; 4) The perception on environment is negative; 5)The more the beaches are privatized, the better the environment of seashore could be.