Cultural Relics
复原研究 罗汉 苏州 双塔
複原研究 囉漢 囌州 雙塔
복원연구 라한 소주 쌍탑
1.寺院沿革 苏州罗汉院始建于唐成通二年(861年),初名般若院,五代吴越旧时改称罗汉院。北宋太平兴国七年(982年)至雍熙(984~987年)中重修大殿,并增建东西砖塔。至道二年(996年).更名为寿宁万岁禅院,又称双塔寺。
1.寺院沿革 囌州囉漢院始建于唐成通二年(861年),初名般若院,五代吳越舊時改稱囉漢院。北宋太平興國七年(982年)至雍熙(984~987年)中重脩大殿,併增建東西磚塔。至道二年(996年).更名為壽寧萬歲禪院,又稱雙塔寺。
1.사원연혁 소주라한원시건우당성통이년(861년),초명반약원,오대오월구시개칭라한원。북송태평흥국칠년(982년)지옹희(984~987년)중중수대전,병증건동서전탑。지도이년(996년).경명위수저만세선원,우칭쌍탑사。
There are very few early wooden structures extant in Jiangnan region. The main hall of the Arhat Temple (Luohan Yuan) , which was built in the seventh year of Taipingxingguo Era (982 AD) , preserved large amounts of information although its structure members were lost a lot and the original structure was disturbed, and can be seen as important materials and clues for our understanding the architectural techniques of the Song Dynasty in Jiangnan region. Based on the characteristics of the architectural remains of the main hall and the shape and the remaining traces of the stone structures and with the references of the popular features of the architectures of the Song Dynasty in Jiangnan region, this paper makes a restoration to the main hall of the Arhat Temple, and points out that the unique design of the hall made up and reflected the diversified features of the fingtang (mansion hall, a lowerranking main building) styled architectures of the Song Dynasty in Jiangnan region.