Journal of Capital Normal University(Social Science Edition)
破产法 重整程序 强制批准重整计划草案
破產法 重整程序 彊製批準重整計劃草案
파산법 중정정서 강제비준중정계화초안
Bankruptcy Law; Reorganization Procedure ; Cramdown Rule
The Chinese Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of 2006 entitles the court to exercise the power of cramdown rule towards the enterprise' s reorganization plan. Subject to its purpose of protecting the legal interests of all the interested parties, the cramdown rule could avoid unfair impediment and promote successful progress of the reorganization procedure. Under the Chinese judicial practice, because of the uncertainty of standards in respect of legislation on the courts' cramdown power, it might be misused and the misuse is not the aim to establish such rule. This paper comes up with some legislative suggestions on the basic principles like maximization of creditors' interests and feasibility. It aims to specify the detailed conditions of application of the cramdown rule, to refine the standards of review and to entitle the rescue ways to the related interested parties.