Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
限制性 描写性 非限制性 修饰语 认知入景
限製性 描寫性 非限製性 脩飾語 認知入景
한제성 묘사성 비한제성 수식어 인지입경
restrictive; descriptive; non-restrictive; modifiers; cognitive grounding
The thought of "destruction and construction" occupies a vital position in Chinese grammar studies. After decades of discussion, the existing models of "restric- tive vs. descriptive" and "restrictive vs. non-restrictive" still remain controversial in both theoretical consistency and language phenomenon explanations. Defining restric- tiveness as a kind of strategy interlocutors take to desig- nate and identify the intended target, this paper proposes a new model of "restrictiveness including descriptiveness". It also provides explanations to those controversial language phenomena within the existing models and also discusses the cognitive motivation of this new model from the perspective of grounding theory.