Modern Law Science
未成年人刑事判决 隐私保护 司法公正 价值平衡
未成年人刑事判決 隱私保護 司法公正 價值平衡
미성년인형사판결 은사보호 사법공정 개치평형
the judgment of juvenile criminal cases; privacy protection; judicial justice; value balance
The announcement of the judgment of juvenile criminal cases is not provided specially in crimi- nal procedure law of China. Such a legal loophole leads to the application of adult mode, namely public an- nouncement applied to the judgment of juvenile criminal cases. But the mode of public announcement doesn' t conform to the purposes of protection of the juveniles' privacy and correction of juvenile justice. Therefore there is an urgent need to fill the legal loophole through the amendment procedure. The legal provisions of the announcement of the judgment and the online publicity of the judgment document of juvenile criminal cases should be considered as a whole in the process of amendment. To achieve the balance of the values of juven- iles' privacy protection, the public's right to know and judicial supervision, the cases should be open partly. That is : the announcement of the judgment of juve closed in principle, acquittal may be opened and the judgment document of juve publicized limitedly online by filtering the identity information of the juvenile . judgment of juvenile criminal nile criminal cases should be nile criminal cases should be