Tourism Tribune
舞台化真实 景观神圣化 旅游吸引物符号化 现代性
舞檯化真實 景觀神聖化 旅遊吸引物符號化 現代性
무태화진실 경관신골화 여유흡인물부호화 현대성
staged authenticity; sacred landscape; the symbolic nature of tourist attractions; modernity
美国著名旅游社会学家迪恩·麦肯奈尔(Dean.MacCannell)的《旅游者:休闲阶层新论》(The Tourist:A New Theory of the Leisure Class)一书是20世纪以来西方旅游社会学研究中最具代表性意义的研究著作。该书以"舞台化真实""景观神圣化""旅游吸引物的符6号化"等理论为依据,从旅游者和旅游吸引物的研究着手,将同一时期社会学中盛行的结构功能分析和符号互动的方法引入旅游现象分析,以探讨旅游与现代社会文化结构变迁之间的关系,从理论和研究方法层面为旅游社会学的学科发展奠定了坚实的基础。该书在西方旅游社会学界和人类学界一直享有极高的美誉。近年来,旅游社会学的研究日益得到了国内学者的关注,然而相较于国外,无论是学科体系还是理论基础都显得极为羸弱。在此背景下,通过梳理历史以重拾经典对该书予以系统审视,总结其旅游社会学的学术思想,对于深化国内学者对国外旅游社会学知识体系的认识,构建国内旅游社会学学科发展框架,扩宽其研究路径,进而实现西方旅游社会学研究成果的本土化无疑是大有裨益的。
美國著名旅遊社會學傢迪恩·麥肯奈爾(Dean.MacCannell)的《旅遊者:休閒階層新論》(The Tourist:A New Theory of the Leisure Class)一書是20世紀以來西方旅遊社會學研究中最具代錶性意義的研究著作。該書以"舞檯化真實""景觀神聖化""旅遊吸引物的符6號化"等理論為依據,從旅遊者和旅遊吸引物的研究著手,將同一時期社會學中盛行的結構功能分析和符號互動的方法引入旅遊現象分析,以探討旅遊與現代社會文化結構變遷之間的關繫,從理論和研究方法層麵為旅遊社會學的學科髮展奠定瞭堅實的基礎。該書在西方旅遊社會學界和人類學界一直享有極高的美譽。近年來,旅遊社會學的研究日益得到瞭國內學者的關註,然而相較于國外,無論是學科體繫還是理論基礎都顯得極為羸弱。在此揹景下,通過梳理歷史以重拾經典對該書予以繫統審視,總結其旅遊社會學的學術思想,對于深化國內學者對國外旅遊社會學知識體繫的認識,構建國內旅遊社會學學科髮展框架,擴寬其研究路徑,進而實現西方旅遊社會學研究成果的本土化無疑是大有裨益的。
미국저명여유사회학가적은·맥긍내이(Dean.MacCannell)적《여유자:휴한계층신론》(The Tourist:A New Theory of the Leisure Class)일서시20세기이래서방여유사회학연구중최구대표성의의적연구저작。해서이"무태화진실""경관신골화""여유흡인물적부6호화"등이론위의거,종여유자화여유흡인물적연구착수,장동일시기사회학중성행적결구공능분석화부호호동적방법인입여유현상분석,이탐토여유여현대사회문화결구변천지간적관계,종이론화연구방법층면위여유사회학적학과발전전정료견실적기출。해서재서방여유사회학계화인류학계일직향유겁고적미예。근년래,여유사회학적연구일익득도료국내학자적관주,연이상교우국외,무론시학과체계환시이론기출도현득겁위리약。재차배경하,통과소리역사이중습경전대해서여이계통심시,총결기여유사회학적학술사상,대우심화국내학자대국외여유사회학지식체계적인식,구건국내여유사회학학과발전광가,확관기연구로경,진이실현서방여유사회학연구성과적본토화무의시대유비익적。
In the last 30 years of twentieth century, significant developments have been witnessed in the sociology of tourism. The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class, one of the most representative of the significant writings in this period, was written by the famous sociologist of tourism Dean MacCannell. Based on the theories of staged authenticity, the sacred landscape, and the symbolic interaction of tourist attractions, he led the pervasive sociological perspectives of structural functionalism and symbolic interactionism to discuss the phenomenon of tourism and built an association between the tourist and modernity. For example, MacCannell discussed the relationship between tourism and authenticity by drawing upon dramaturgical theory. Through his study, he explained the expansion of the phenomenon of the leisure class. The study of tourism"authenticity"was historic and significant for the growth of the sociology of tourism. At the same time, MacCannell's book discussed the problem of the tourist landscape(tourist attraction) extended to the global scope,and the various forms of tourist attractions have been incorporated into the reasonable range of interpretations of his view. Finally, MacCannell put forward the theory of the sacredness of the tourist landscape to explain the formation process of tourist attractions in the context of modernity. With the help of seemingly unrelated theories, he constructed a grand blueprint for the development of research on the phenomenon of tourism in society. For all these reasons, his book has laid a solid foundation for the development of the sociology of tourism in terms of both theory and methods and enjoyed a good reputation in Western sociology and anthropology of tourism.In recent years, research on the sociology of tourism has increasingly attracted the attention of Chinese scholars, and MacCannell's theory has been widely used. The theory of the symbolic interaction of tourist attractions has been used to describe symbolic consumption characteristics, and the theories of staged authenticity and the sacred landscape have been used to design and develop the practice of tourism production. However, as is true of most branches of tourism research, the study of the sociology of the phenomenon of tourism in China is quite weak, both methodologically and theoretically. Compared with research conducted in other geographic areas, the perspective of Chinese research on the sociology of tourism is more singularly focused, primarily concentrating on specific issues such as the social impact of tourism, tourists, and the interactive relationship between host and guest. Researchers in China have already grown accustomed to simply borrowing and transplanting the findings of foreign scholars(especially those in English- speaking countries), and studies on the domestic sociology of tourism currently lack creativity. Domestic tourism scholars would be well served by learning the multidisciplinary research methods that MacCannell adopted in his study of a class of people(tourists) and a kind of phenomenon(the attraction of tourist expansion) to describe and explain changes in the modern social and cultural structure.This paper introduces and summarizes MacCannell's theories and methods that were reflected in The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class and introduces the overall situation in terms of development of related theory in the field of tourism research. It is beneficial for Chinese scholars to deepen their understanding about the knowledge system of the sociology of tourism. This will not only promote progress and development in Chinese sociology of tourism research but will also broaden the academic research vision regarding domestic tourism.