China Sport Science
牙买加 短跑 跨大西洋奴隶贩运 奠基者效应 科克皮特精神
牙買加 短跑 跨大西洋奴隸販運 奠基者效應 科剋皮特精神
아매가 단포 과대서양노대판운 전기자효응 과극피특정신
Jamaica; sprinting; transatlantic slave trade; founder effect; Cockpit spirit
The dominance of Jamaican sprinters in international meets remains largely unexplained.Through the methodology of anthropology,history,literature review and mathematical statistics,this paper unveiled the fastest humans by tracing the development of sprinting in Jamaica from the time of the transatlantic slave trade to the present day.This study suggested that performance of West Africans in sprint activities were superior to all other groups could be ascribed to their biomechanical and biochemical advantages,and that performance of West African descent in sprint activities were superior to West African could be ascribed to the metabolic evolution during the transatlantic slave trade,and that performance of Jamaicans in sprint activities were superior to all other West African descent could be ascribed to the effects of Founder Effect on the frequency of ACTN-3,and that success of individuals of Jamaica's Maroons in sprint activities could be ascribed to the special cultural heritage,survival way and living conditions of Cockpit country.In addition,historical traditions,training system and the desire to out of poverty play an important role in the birth of the fastest humans.