Psychological Science
孙炳海 张雯雯 苗德露 李伟健
孫炳海 張雯雯 苗德露 李偉健
손병해 장문문 묘덕로 리위건
观点采择 共情性尴尬 共情反应 尴尬类型
觀點採擇 共情性尷尬 共情反應 尷尬類型
관점채택 공정성감개 공정반응 감개류형
perspective taking, empathic embarrassment, empathic response, embarrassing situation
The present study is to probe the role of empathic response, perspective taking and embarrassing situation in the mental mechanism of empathic embarrassment.
Four embarrassing situations were used to represent the four typical models of embarrassment, which included the self-esteem model(M1), the dramaturgic model(M2), the transgression of others' expectations model(M3) and the unwanted exposure model (M4), and which presented by recording. Every situation was recorded into a male and a female version. The perspective taking subscale of IRI was used to ensure the ability of trait perspective taking at the corporate level between the perspective taking (PT) and the non-perspective taking (non-PT) group. The procedure of the Experiment were as follows: before participants finished listening to one recording, they were informed the instruction of PT or non-PT for non- PT(N=41) and PT (N= 117)group ,and then written other three questionnaires in turn. Data were analyzed by variance analysis, correlation analysis,and mediating effects regression analysis.
The results indicated that (1) there aren't significant differences on the trait perspective-taking between PT and non-PT group, and main effects of PT, empathic response and empathic embarrassment among four models of embarrassment were significant; (2) Regression analysis shows: in four models and in presumptive models, the regression coefficient of the dependent variable(empathic embarrassment) on the independent variable(PT) (M1 :β=.24, t=2.38,p〈.05; M2:β=.28, t=3.15,p〈.01; M3: β=.25, t=-2.78, p〈.01; M4: β=.37, t=4.30,p〈.001), the supposed mediator on the independent variable(M1:β=.22, t=2.14, p〈.05; M2:β=.20, t=2.21, p〈.05; M3:β=.31, t==3.45, p〈.001; M4: β=.45, t=-5.43, p〈.001), and the dependent variable on the supposed mediator(M1:/3=.32, t=3.27, p〈.01; M2:β=.30, t=2.56, p〈.01; M3:β=.50, t=6.05, p〈.001; M4: β=.29, t=3.14, p〈,05) are all significant. Meanwhile, when the mediator (empathic response) goes into the regression equation, the regression coefficient of the dependent variable on the independent variable are still significant in both M2 and M4, but not in both M1 and M3.So the mediating effect is significant. (3) Mediating effect of empathic response is moderated by embarrassing situation.
These findings above suggest that, in the situation of negative valuation (M1 and M3), empathic response must be enhanced; however, in the accidental situation (M2 and M4), the greater perspective-taking can improve individual's empathic embarrassment directly or through empathic response indirectly.