Journal of Capital College of Physical Education
王庆伟 骆秉全 苏如峰 郭斐
王慶偉 駱秉全 囌如峰 郭斐
왕경위 락병전 소여봉 곽비
上海市 体育赛事 管理模式 经费支出 管理体制
上海市 體育賽事 管理模式 經費支齣 管理體製
상해시 체육새사 관리모식 경비지출 관리체제
Shanghai Municipality; sports event; management mode; expenditure; management system
Through the research methods of expert interview, literature review and logical analysis, the present thesis makes an in-depth research and analysis around the reform and innovation of the sports e- vents management mode in Shanghai, which include standard, scale, quantity, category, quality, sources of fund, main expenditure index and the opportunities and challenges in the future. The results show that the present "3+X" mode proposed by the Shanghai government is in accordance with the trends and require ments of the economic and social development in China, and is an effective measure of further deepening the reform of "separating the functions of government regulation and business operation" in the field of sports events. The quantity and quality of the sports events in Shanghai have witnessed considerable im provement ever since. According to the research, the expenditure index system of sports events can be di- vided into 12 categories. Except some policy support, the seven brand sports events in Shanghai hardly re- ceive any financial support in terms of funding. Shanghai agement and differential treatment with regard to sports gested to further study on how the government should sports events. has yet set up specific policies of classified man- events of various types and standards. It is sug- fund and support especially the public welfare