Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)
薛庆根 王全忠 朱晓莉 周宏
薛慶根 王全忠 硃曉莉 週宏
설경근 왕전충 주효리 주굉
种植业结构调整 劳动力外出 收入增长 劳动分工
種植業結構調整 勞動力外齣 收入增長 勞動分工
충식업결구조정 노동력외출 수입증장 노동분공
Crop Structure Adjustment; Labor Migration; Revenue Growth; Division of Labor
This article analyzed the relationship between labor migration, revenue growth and crop structure ad-justment and their extent of influence, using the track data of National Rural Fixed Observation Point with 11 vil-lages of 6 cities in Jiangsu Province during 1997 to 2010. The results showed that there was an approximate cy-clical fluctuation of farmers planting structural adjustment in Jiangsu Province, and the average acreage of grain,and cash crops showed volatility, while the average vegetable acreage showed increasing momentum. The farm-ers'division of positioning was determined by where family agricultural producers'profit goal was in order to bet-ter solve the household daily consumption and sell the remaining agricultural products currently, but with thefarm household labor force going out,and family total revenue and off-farm revenue growth, the situation willmore likely cause farmers to maintain existing crop structure constant. Meanwhile, we found that along with thefarmers'age increasing, the efforts to adjust the crop structure spontaneously was diminishing, but to improve theeconomic benefits of crop planting can give incentive to farmers to adjust their crop planting structure. The localgovernment plays an important role in crop structure adjustment, and they need to use the significant positiveeffect of the externality of villages'crop structure on farmers'decision making, and train modern professionalfarmers, and improve farmers'revenue growth through combining crop planting and aquaculture effectively.